Friday, March 13, 2009

Yeezy's New Breezy

As of late, the homie Ye has been toting video vixen Amber Rose around. As much as I'd like to get into old girl's past and what their relationship is based on... I won't. What I want to talk about is how Ye is upgrading this chick's style. Well, let me be more specific and say that her shoe game is killing! Everytime I venture to a blog and they're spotted, he's got her stuntin' on 'em. Her outfits are typically horrid, but nonetheless I can't hate on what she has on her feet. Here a few pics of favorites... plus I just peeped that BeBe has a knock-off of the tan sandals that I'm thinking about copping.


suga said...

I must admit, her outfits ARE horrid. I just don't get HER at all. *shrug*

TatooTuesday said...

I love Amber Rose...

Certain people base their relationships on whats important to them.