To be honest, not everyone is on Tantrum like that.. and I think it's because 1) it's the SoLo, and 2) they don't serve food. Therefore, it's thin. But I'm trying to wind down my trying day with a few beverages.
As we're chopping it up over our first round of drinks, the bartender walks over with another set of drinks, saying "from the guy at the end of the bar." So one of the only 5 brothas in the spot decided to buy us drinks. Smooth play.. in my eyes, as the homie Ice-T would say.. it's real player.
I know the deal.. I have to walk down and strike up a convo with this brotha and thank him for the drinks. He's not that attractive but I'm impressed by homie's play. I really could care less about his intentions so I walk down and chat it up with my man and find out his whole deal only to find out he's 23. Yes, baby boy is a younging. However, I become even more impressed, because how many young boys you know can play the game like this? KK and I are both inching towards 30.. and when I returned to tell KK the info I found out.. she immediately got up and shook the brotha's hand. Hey, I would have "wiped him down" but we were in Tantrum...
My homie T just did a blog not too long ago on ladies making the conversion. Basically, ladies being able to get a drink out of a man. I've never been one stressed for a lil' "situation," however brothas how do you make your play? When do you make your play? And why?
I have to say homie asking the bartender what we were having is more impressive than you having your bottle and letting me drink off of it (sorry, it is!) So let me know what other creative ways you've bought a woman a drink..etc.! (it's midnight and I'm blogging!)