Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's a New Year!

So I've been on a crazy hiatus. Went home to the 'bus for the holidays, no 'net at home and crazy busy at work, therefore no time to complete drafts and update the blog. However, I have a tiny bit of down time right now.

I am excited about the new year. Despite the current recession, I feel that '09 is going to be a great one. Our 44th president soon to take office, things are going to turn around for our country in due time.

But by the time Thanksgiving rolled around, I think I was over '08, lol. Time for some changes and putting the game plan into action for the goals I hope to accomplish (financially, spiritually, physically and professionally).

I went to dinner with a friend the other night and he said his goal for '09 is to really just push himself further. Instead of doing the 75 that gets him by, he's going to put in that 110 to get to the next level that he wants to be in life. It truly resonated with me because we often get so complacent with where we stand in life that we forget that we ought to do more, do our best. So I went ahead and added that to my list of goals, along with being on time to functions, strengthening my relationship with God and giving more of my time to volunteering/community service efforts.

So what are you hoping to accomplish in '09?

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