Friday, December 19, 2008

Company Partying

It is Friday afternoon, and I am still feeling the effects of last night's company holiday party. From 6-11, at Martini Park, co-workers enjoyed food (well I didn't, more on that later), drinks, music and each other's company. I am seriously trying to figure out how I am functioning today. I seriously woke up at 7:37am, and hadn't set nan alarm, somehow pulled myself together and made it to the office today. I ran out at lunch to get a 3 piece, biscuit and some fries from Popeye's and ran into a co-worker in the elevator. We looked at each other and immediately laugh because we know we are both still out of it.

This is my 3rd company holiday party (2nd as an employee), and I have to say that my company tries to pull out all the stops for parties. Open bar, good food. The music is always a hit or miss but we still kick it. However, last night's party made me realize there are some "Do's and Don'ts" to company holiday partying or just company functions in general.

Do bring your significant other and if they're hot, do flaunt them around.
- One of my co-workers brought her fine a$$ Aussie boyfriend last night. He could be David Beckham's little brother. He had the down under accent. Goodness! He had us girls swooning. Co-worker knew, and she was loving it, lol. I had to dap her up and give her the "go girl" because she had a winner. I should have asked if he had any brothers and if they plan on moving to America. This makes me realize that when I do decide to bring an actual date to the party, can I top that? I'm going to have to find my Idris soon! Plus, who knew the Aussies were doing it like that... besides Dr. Troy from Nip/Tuck (I love him!) I should've went to Australia with T & D. (Disclaimer: This is just me being really silly right now but I do need to find Idris)

Don't allow your boyfriend to say inappopriate comments to your co-workers.
-So one of my co-workers brought her obnoxious BF as her guest (and he brought his boy; how does your guest invite a guest?). So as we're standing at the bar, he tells me that I look like Rihanna. It's the hair I tell him. His boy agrees and comments that he loves Rihanna. Woopty do. Then boyfriend goes, "but man she's a darker skinned Rihanna." Really!? I immediately turned up my face and walked away. T comes over to me and tells me that he was asking about her hair (which was pulled back in a fro), "when she picks it out does it get big?" Again, really?! He was totally out of order! I suggest you make sure you keep an eye on your BF if you know he gets out of pocket, or don't invite him at all!

Do take advantage of the open bar
-Open bar for 4-5 hours? Includes top shelf? Not just beer & wine. Get yo' drink and 2 step on. I was definitely throwing a pear 'tini back every half hour.

Don't overdo it at the bar
-Yes, you can have unlimited drinks all night, but don't go shot for shot, or try to drink someone under the table. Pace yourself. You don't want to be known as "that guy" or "that girl" who didn't keep it together at the holiday party. I can typically hold my liquor, but a few of my co-workers and I were having conversations, and they started doing the emotional talk. You know the "I looove you" and they're yelling even though you're standing next to them.

Do make your presence known at the party
-I know you see these folks for 8 (if not 10) hours a day, 5 times a week however you're out of the office, so be sure to chop it up with them.

Don't show up late
-The company party was from 6-11. My girl and fellow co-worker made the decision to go home (we both live south) and get fabulous for the evening. We don't need to be there right at 6 right? Wrong. We showed up at 8:30 only to find no food. Now this was about the same time we arrived last year. We were able to grub on calamari and sliders before we got our drink on. Not this year. Food was gone 'cept the dessert which consisted of donut holes. We both were HUNGRY. Like I couldn't wait to eat. We talked to the host and the manager. Found out food was snatched up at 8 and that if we wanted to eat we would have to PAY for it. Damn! Like that? I don't know about y'all but when I haven't/don't eat, I have a 'tude. Like I become evil. Can't be evil around the co-workers, so I decided to go to the bar and get a drink to calm down. I did throw back a few of those donut holes to hold myself over. So I say to you, if you trying to eat and the company might be on some cutback/recession type ish, show up at your function on time!

Do get your boogie on
-If the music's good, dance. If it's not, still find the beat and rock to it. It's always a good time to dance with co-workers and see who's got rhythm and who needs lessons.

Don't drop it like it's hot
-Yeah, they might have put on Flo-Rida or Ursha, but that does not mean you let your knees hit the elbows. At our summer function, a couple of the co-workers were getting low, bent over. I mean it is still a work function people! Let it be known that it's your joint, but still..keep it classy.

But all in all, do party like a rockstar :)


Reese said...

@ ur co worker who let her bf bring a you let a friend bring a friend to your company jawn??? thats some bull. i hate to make generalizations but, they were white werent they? I wouldnt do that because i feel like everyone i bring somewhere with me I am responsible for, even if its not some company stuff. I protect my image fiercly, so i choose very carefully who i bring places with me.

You know that WP (white privelage) is real prevelant. A friend of a friend? I'm still a little mad about that lol. (and if they weren't white, i stand corrected...this time LOL)

Strange thing is I am not one of those always looking for the slight kinda people but as i get older i notice more. honestly in many cases i dont even bring my gf to company functions, she def shows very well, but honestly a lot of the people i work with, i keep it about 75 with them, cant keep it all the way 100. I got issues i know.

TatooTuesday said...

DEAD @ the Rhianna comment. And I'm with Reese, its all about that WP or as me and my boy King call it, WI (White Indifference).

Unfortunately, I work for DeVry and at times I feel like we work in the 1980's over here. Out holiday party was at Drury Lane and it was at 12 noon on a Friday. Needless to say Friday is my day off and I didn't attend.

T said...

Good list.

Yeah Aussie boo was too fly. My policy on dates is you can't come to my holiday party unless we're engaged. Otherwise, it becomes a date and not a party with my co-workers. Thummyb will forever be my date until then.

Ignorant bf was horribly color struck. It made me sad that she'd decided to be with an asshole like that. I hope they don't get married. Ick.

@ Reese, LMAO @ keeping it 75 with co-workers.

@ TT, Drury lane? That's too bad.

Reese said...

i brought the miss to my company party and she was a hit, was even chatting up the Treasurer, it was mad funny too